Upcoming Music Performance Dates!

Upcoming end-of-year performances and open music classes for Hayes students.

K-4 Open Music Classes in Hayes Music Room:

Monday 5/20/24- 1R: 10:20-11:05

Monday 5/20/24- KC: 11:10-11:55

Monday 5/20/24- 2T: 12:35-1:20

Tuesday 5/21/24- 2A: 1-1:45

Tuesday 5/21/24- 3L: 1:45-2:30

Wednesday 5/22/24- 4O: 8:45-9:30 (MCAS Bump Date 5/29 8:45-9:30)

Wednesday 5/22/24- KBK: 9:30-10:15

Wednesday 5/22/24- 3F 1:45-2:30

Thursday 5/23/24- 4B: 8:45-9:30 (MCAS Bump Date 5/30) 8:45-9:30)

Thursday 5/23/24- 2S: 1:45-2:30

Friday 5/24/24- 4BW: 8:45-9:30

Friday 5/24/24- 1S: 11:15-12

Hayes 4th-8th Grade Strings Concert: Tuesday 6/4/24 at Baker at 6pm

Hayes 4th-8th Grade Band Concert: Wednesday 6/3/24 at Driscoll at 7:30PM

Hayes 5th-8th Grade Chorus Concert: Tuesday 6/11/24 at BHS at 6:30PM

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