Welcome to your Roland Hayes School PTO website!
(formerly the Heath PTO)

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Hayes PTO Community Meetings

The info for our final community meeting of the 2023-2024 school year:

Fri 6/7/24, 8:15 am
In person in the school cafeteria
All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please join us. We will be joined by PSB Superintendent Dr. Linus Guillory.

Hayes PTO community meetings are open to everyone in our school community, including parents and caregivers, and faculty and staff. Meetings for the 2023-2024 school year are on our PTO calendar. Again this year, we are going to do a mix of in person meetings on Friday mornings and remote meetings on Tuesday evenings. We hope the mix will make it possible for a wide diversity of community members to attend.

School Renaming

Our school was recently renamed the Roland Hayes School. As the school's PTO, we will be updating our name (and spiritwear) alongside the school. It may take some time to get it all right, so please be patient with us.

Between December 2021 and June 2023, the school engaged in the process of selecting a new name for our school, as captured in this Heath to Hayes video. On Thursday, November 17, 2023, Brookline's Town Meeting voted in favor of Warrant Article 13 to rename the school. The final vote tally was 208 yes, 4 no, and 23 abstentions. Watch the recording of the presentation led by Dr. Sevelius (our school principal), the student naming committee, and David Gacioch (Town Meeting member, parent at our school, and corresponding petitioner of the warrant article). The presentation begins around 13:34 in the video, is followed by some discussion and comments from community members, and then the final vote is called at about 44:50.

Congratulations to Dr. Sevelius and the student naming committee on all their efforts in this process.

Why support your PTO?

The Heath Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a parent-run group that organizes and funds dozens of initiatives and enrichment programs for our children at Heath. Join other parents in helping make your child's school an excellent one!